11月1日,香港歌手刘德华 “今天...is the Day”演唱会在台北小巨蛋举行。一开场,刘德华就向现场歌迷们说,“11年了,我念念你呀!”他现场演唱了不少经典歌曲,包括《中国东谈主》。关联词av 动漫,这一首歌却让台湾省绿营破防了。
Recently, Hong Kong singer Andy Lau held a concert at the Taipei Arena, where he performed the well-known song \"Chinese People\". However, in Taipei, some politicians from the pan-Green camp reacted strongly.
The pan-Green camp claimed that \"Andy Lau is here to engage in united front work\" and stating that the concert \"is not worth seeing\".
11月1日,“今天... is the day 刘德华巡回演唱会2024”台北站。图源:东方IC
据TVBS新闻网报谈称av 动漫,有不少粉丝反驳,“委托不懂不要乱带风向,一直以来他王人会唱,亦然其中经典的一首好吗?(30年粉丝途经)”,“我仅仅念念看偶像唱歌扮演辛劳,你们也太政事化了吧”。
This time, the frantic attempts of the pan-Green camp to sway public opinion online not only failed to yield any advantage but were also met with ridicule and criticism from netizens: \"I just want to see my idol sing and perform; you guys are being too political,\" \"Please, if you don't understand, don't make a fuss; everyone sings this song at KTV.\"
\"Taiwan independence\" separatists likely overlooked the fact that both the lyricist and composer of this song are from Taiwan.
During the concert, when Andy Lau sang \"Chinese People\", the chorus from the entire audience further demonstrated the sentiments of the people on the island.
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